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Russia and Eurasia Collections at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Moldova collections

King (Charles) box 10 folder flag selected

Photo: Charles King collection, Box 10, Folder Flag, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 


Hoover’s earliest holdings on Moldavia go back to the Congress of Paris (1856): the miscellaneous records of the Congress refer to the reorganization of Wallachia and Moldavia following the Crimean War. The Alexander Krupenskii  papers and V.A. Maklakov papers are rich and important resources for the history of the region during the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920, including the issues of Romanian intervention and possible independence of Bessarabia. Contemporary issues, including materials related to Pridnestrov’e, can be found in the Moldavian subject collection and Igor Mikhailov collection.


Congress of Paris miscellaneous records


Protocols of meetings and report, relating to the reorganization of the Romanian principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia.

King (Charles) papers


Writings, notes, correspondence, copies of government documents, statistics, printed matter, and photographs relating to the history and ethnology of Moldova and to political, social, and economic conditions in Moldova. In part used as research material for the book by Charles King, The Moldovans: Romania, Russia, and the Politics of Culture (Stanford, 2000).

Krupenskii (Aleksandr Nikolaevich) papers


Correspondence, memoranda, lists, extracts, summaries, reports, appeals, projects, protocols, press analyses, maps, forms, notes, drafts, clippings, newspaper issues, journals, bulletins, and pamphlets relating to the Bessarabian question; relations between Russia, Romania and Bessarabia; the occupation and annexation of Bessarabia by Romania, 1918; and to the Paris Peace Conference.

Krushevan (P.A.) papers


Diary, correspondence, literary and political writings, identification documents, financial records, and miscellany relating to political conditions and antisemitism in imperial Russia and to Russian literature. Krushevan was a Russian antisemitic newspaper editor in Bessarabia.

Maklakov (Vasilii A.) papers


Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, diaries, and clippings, relating to Russian foreign relations with France, the Bessarabian territorial question, the Russian Revolution, and Russian emigres in France after the revolution.

Moldovan subject collection


Election campaign literature, newspapers, pamphlets, other printed matter, sound recording, and video tape, relating to political conditions and elections in Moldova.

Mikhailov (Igor Alekseevich) collection


The Mikhaĭlov collection is comprised of pamphlets, leaflets, flyers, serial issues, circulated material, and photocopies of government documents, relating to post-Soviet politics in Russia, Moldova and Abkhazia.


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