Alvarez Montalvan (Emilio) speeches
Radio interview, and Rotary Club speech, relating to political conditions in Nicaragua.
Relates to civil rights conditions in Nicaraguan Indian refugee settlements in Honduras, and to the role of the United States Central Intelligence Agency in Honduran administration of the camps. Photocopy.
Architects and Planners in Support of Nicaragua records
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, proposals, newsletters, printed matter, and photographs relating to housing and other development assistance to Nicaragua, and to American relations with the Sandinista government of Nicaragua.
Baldizon Aviles (Alvaro Jose) miscellaneous papers
Summary of debriefing by United States government officals, interview, press releases, and correspondence, relating to human rights violations in Nicaragua, presence of Cuban advisers in Nicaragua, and allegations of Nicaraguan government involvement in narcotics trafficking. Photocopy.
Bermudez Varela (Enrique) papers
Reports, memoranda, clippings, and other printed matter relating to political conditions and civil war in Nicaragua.
Photocopies of articles from La Prensa censored by the Nicaraguan Ministerio del Interior, photocopies of censorship orders by the Ministerio del Interior, the typescript of the book by Roberto Cardenal Ch. relating to the censorship, Lo que se quiso ocultar: ocho anos de censura sandinista (San Jose, Costa Rica, 1989), and correspondence, writings, notes, memoranda, and printed matter relating to Nicaraguan politics, censorship, and human rights conditions.
Relates to the roles of Mexico and the U.S. in the Nicaraguan revolution of 1926-1929.
Relates to activities of the United States Marine Corps in France, 1918, and in Nicaragua, 1928-1929. Photocopy.
Pamphlets, serial issues, government documents, bulletins, newsletters, press releases, speeches, conference papers, clippings, and memorabilia, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Cuba under Fidel Castro, in Chile under Salvador Allende, and in Nicaragua under the Sandinistas; to education in Cuba; and to United States foreign policy in Latin America.
Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense records
Reports, correspondence, orders, memoranda, judicial records, personnel records, and printed matter, relating to guerrilla military operations in Nicaragua.
The Moisés Hassan M. papers contain materials relating to Nicaragua during and after the Sandinista revolution of 1979. Moisés Hassan Morales was a prominent figure in the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and participated in the armed struggle against the Somoza dictatorship. He occupied a number of posts in the Sandinista government formed after the overthrow of Anastasio Somoza, and subsequently served as mayor of Managua. Hassan Morales later broke with the FSLN and its leader Daniel Ortega over what Hassan Morales perceived to be the increasingly authoritarian and corrupt tendencies of the Sandinista government. His collection consists of personal correspondence; speeches and writings; correspondence and other documents relating to his time in government; and photographs.
Hernandez Trigueros (Lino) interview
Relates to Sandinista human rights violations in Nicaragua. Interview conducted by Deann M. Alford. Includes English translation transcript.
Relates to Nicaraguan contra guerrilla activities from Costa Rican bases, American aid to Nicaraguan guerrillas, allegations of guerrilla drug trafficking, and allegations regarding the attempted assassination of the guerrilla leader Edén Pastora. Interviews conducted by William E. Ratliff.
Latin American Strategic Studies Institute collection
Reports, studies, booklets, pamphlets, press summaries, press releases, bulletins, newsletters, serial issues, journal articles, and clippings, relating to political and human rights conditions in Nicaragua, the contra guerrilla war in Nicaragua, relations between the United States and Nicaragua, and American relations with other countries of Latin America, especially Central America. Includes United States Department of State dispatches and public issuances, and Congressional Research Service briefing packets. Collected by the Latin American Strategic Studies Institute.
Writings, memoranda, correspondence, and notes, relating to the Nicaraguan civil war. Used as working material for the book by Roger Miranda and William E. Ratliff, The Civil War in Nicaragua: Inside the Sandinistas (New Brunswick, N.J., 1993).
Nicaragua. Guardia Nacional processed materials
circa 1932
Inventories armed encounters between units of the Guardia Nacional of Nicaragua and insurrectionary forces from 1927 to 1932, with date, place, description of encounter and number of casualties for each incident. Also includes list of United States Marine Corps personnel killed while serving as officers of the Guardia Nacional during this period.
Nicaragua. Ministerio de Defensa miscellaneous records
Statistics, charts, and plans, relating to manpower strength, armaments, and other equipment of Nicaraguan ground, air and naval forces, their organizational structure, casualties in the contra guerrilla war, operational plans, and contingency plans in the event of an American invasion. Photocopy.
Nicaragua. Ministerio del Interior. Seccion especial de investigaciones miscellaneous records
Correspondence, memoranda, lists, and case file reports, relating to allegations of human rights violations in Nicaragua. Photocopy.
Nicaragua newspaper collection
The newspapers in this collection were originally collected by the Hoover Institution Library and transferred to the Archives in 2019. The Nicaragua newspaper collection (1979-1994) comprises five different titles of publication, in both Spanish and English. All of the titles within this collection have been further analyzed in Stanford University Libraries catalog.
Reports, correspondence, policy statements, speeches, election campaign literature, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, serial issues, other printed matter, and audiovisual materials, relating primarily to conditions in Nicaragua since the revolution of 1979, policies of the Sandinista government, human rights issues in Nicaragua, policies of opposition parties in Nicaragua and in exile, and elections in Nicaragua.
Pastora Gomez (Eden) interviews
Sound recordings of interviews, relating to the Nicaraguan revolution of 1979, Nicaraguan-Cuban relations, and the Nicaraguan contra guerrilla war. Includes typed notes made from the interviews. Interviews conducted by William E. Ratliff.
Person to Person Films records
Motion picture film, videotapes, sound recordings, and transcripts, relating to civil war in Nicaragua. Assembled in preparation for a projected documentary film to be produced by Ronald F. Maxwell that was not completed.
Poveda Sediles (Leonel) papers
Memoranda, reports, letters, resolutions, statements, press releases, equipment inventories, financial records, and printed matter, relating to activities of the Alianza Revolucionaria Democrática, the Unión Nacional Opositora, and other Nicaraguan anti-Sandinista organizations; anti-Sandinista military operations along the Nicaraguan-Costa Rican border; and United States aid to and relations with anti-Sandinista groups.
Correspondence, writings, serial issues, clippings, photographs, and miscellany, relating to Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional guerrillas in Nicaragua. Includes writings and letters by the Sandinista leader Carlos Fonseca.
Resistencia Nicaraguense Ejercito records
Includes handwritten documents, memoranda, press releases, rosters, personnel records, statistics, financial records, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, computer printouts, various manifestos, and photographs relating to Resistencia Nicaragüense Ejército and guerrilla military operations in Nicaragua, financing and supply of guerrilla forces, medical care and administration of justice in guerrilla-controlled areas, truce violations following the end of the war, and Nicaraguan refugees in Honduras. Includes Communist International (Comintern) correspondence and materials relating to communist movements in Central America during the 20th century. Collection includes records of Resistencia Nicaragüense Ejército's predecessor, Fuerza Democrática Nicaragüense. Includes video interviews and recorded audio of former revolutionaries, Marxists, Contras, political activists, combatants, academicians, ambassadors, and members of NATO, the UN, and other organizations. They represent several countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Cuba, the United States, Canada, France, Thailand, the Philippines, and the Netherlands. Many documents also on microfilm.
Resistencia Nicaraguense records
The records pertain to an umbrella organization uniting the main components of the armed resistance to the Sandinista government in Nicaragua in the 1980s. They are comprised largely of correspondence, communiqués, clippings, memoranda, press releases, proposals, programs, and reports. Additionally, there are case files relating to legal proceedings involving some Resistencia Nicaragüense officials.
Correspondence, speeches and writings, programmatic statements, agreements, memoranda, press releases, and printed matter, relating to the Nicaraguan revolution of 1979, political and human rights conditions in Nicaragua under the Sandinista government, activities of anti-Sandinista Nicaraguan resistance organizations, relations between these organizations and the United States government, the contra guerrilla war in Nicaragua, negotiations to end the war, and the Nicaraguan election of 1990. Photocopy.
Letters from María Haydée Terán to Carlos Fonseca Amador, founder of the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional in Nicaragua, largely relating to personal matters. Includes a few letters by Carlos Fonseca Amador.
Memoranda, reports, letters, news dispatches, press releases, manuals, photographs, slides, and video tapes, relating to guerrilla movements in El Salvador, Nicaragua, South Africa, and elsewhere; allegations of involvement of Jennifer Casolo and other American missionaries in El Salvador in guerrilla operations; and allegations of involvement of John Hull and the Central Intelligence Agency in terrorist and drug trafficking activities.
Ybarra Rojas (Antonio) depositions
Relates to corruption and crime in the Nicaraguan government. Depositions before United States government investigators
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