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Latin America and the Caribbean Collections at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Dominican Republic collections

Beach (Edward L.) typescript


Relates to American naval operations, including the battle of Manila Bay in 1898; American intervention in Mexico (1914), Haiti (1915), and the Dominican Republic (1916); and operations in the Atlantic Ocean during World War I. Also includes translations of letters to E. L. Beach from President Sudre Dartiguenave and future President Louis Borno of Haiti, 1916, relating to Beach's activities in Haiti.

Draper (Theodore) papers

     1896, 1912-1966

Correspondence, clippings, pamphlets, newspaper issues, and congressional hearings, relating to the revolution led by Fidel Castro in Cuba, political, social, and economic conditions in Cuba, the 1965 crisis and American intervention in the Dominican Republic, and the Communist Party of the United States.

Kneeland (Frederick) letters


Relates to activities of United States Marines stationed in the Dominican Republic, including skirmishes with guerrillas.

Switzer (Richard S.) collection


Phonotapes and typewritten transcripts of interviews of General Bruce Palmer, Jr., commander, United States Forces, Dominican Republic, 1965, relating to city fighting in the Dominican Republic; and of Lieutenant Colonel John Plantikow, United States Army, relating to city fighting in the European Theater during World War II.

United States. Army. School for Military Government and Administration (New York) Section, 2d. Group V typescript


A case history about The United States military government in the Dominican Republic from 1916 to 1922 by the United States Army, School for Military Government and Administration.