Sound recordings of interview, relating to Joseph Stalin, and especially to his conduct of Soviet diplomacy with the Allied Powers during World War II. Interview conducted by Ed Cray.
Dormidontova (N. V.) interview transcript
Relates to political repression in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Interview conducted by T. V. Kosinova.
Eichrodt (Joan Beecher) collection
Sound recordings, transcripts and summaries of interviews, notes, reports, conference proceedings, newspapers, other printed matter, and photographs relating to nationalism and separatism in Chechnya and elsewhere in the Caucasus. Digital copies of selected items available.
Evans-McCan Group video recordings
Video recordings related to political conditions in the Soviet Union. Includes interviews with Soviet political leaders. All recordings are on VHS tapes.
Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews conducted by Tatiana Zhilkina, relating to political conditions and especially to economic policy in the Soviet Union and Russian Republic. Includes some biographical materials on G. I. Fil'shin.
Granoff (Jack Jacob) interview
Digital sound recording and transcript of interview relating to experiences in Russia and immigration to the United States. Also includes digital sound recording and transcript of interview of Jeanne Granoff Grant, sister of Jack Jacob Granoff.
Interviews of Soviet government officials, economists and engineers, relating to the economy of the Soviet Union. Photocopy. Soviet government documents, relating to political repression and party purges in the Soviet Union. Digital copies. Also includes Russian-English dictionary owned by Lee Harvey Oswald and postcard signed by Marina Oswald.
Correspondence, writings, notes, sound recordings and transcripts of interviews, corporate reports, clippings, other printed matter, videotapes, and photographs, relating to economic conditions and large business enterprises in post-Soviet Russia. Used as research material for the book by David E. Hoffman, The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia (New York, 2002).
Hoover Institution and the Gorbachev Foundation (Moscow) collection
Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews of Soviet and American officials, relating to Soviet foreign policy during the presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev. Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace and the Mezhdunarodnyĭ fond sotsial'no-ėkonomikcheskikh i politologicheskikh issledovaniĭ.
The collection contains materials related to political and economic conditions in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia, consisting of printed matter, sound and video recordings of interviews of Russian political leaders, and miscellany. Mainly used as research material for the book by Michael McFaul and Sergei Markov, The Troubled Birth of Russian Democracy: Parties, Personalities, and Programs (Stanford, 1993).
Relates to the nature and significance of the Russian Revolution of 1917, to the subsequent course of Soviet history, and to current political events in the Soviet Union. Interview conducted by Arnold Beichman.
Posadskaya (Anastasia) interviews
Sound recordings and transcripts of interviews of Russian women, relating to social conditions for women over the course of Soviet history. Used as the basis for the book edited by Barbara Alpern Engel and Anastasia Posadskaya, A Revolution of Their Own: Voices of Women in Soviet History (Boulder, Colo., 1998).
Interviews relating to the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine in 1986. Also includes video tape, slides, and printed matter relating to the incident.
Shevardnadze (Eduard Amvrosievich) radio interview transcripts
Computer disc transcripts of radio interviews, relating to Georgian internal and foreign policy.
Recordings of interviews of Soviet politicians relating to political conditions in the Soviet Union in the late Soviet period.
Relates to the life of Joseph Stalin. Includes PAL and VHS versions of finished video, and PAL and VHS versions of raw footage of interviews used in preparation of video. Interviews conducted by Oksana Bulgakova. Produced by Mosfilm.
Relates to the Revolution and Civil War in Russia. Interview conducted by Anatole Mazour at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Use copy reference number: 76111_a_0012485.
Videotape recordings and transcripts of interviews, relating to Soviet espionage. Interviews conducted by Anatolii Sudoplatov, Jerrold L. Schecter and Leona Schecter. Used as the basis for the book by Pavel Sudoplatov, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness, a Soviet Spymaster (Boston, 1994).
Sound recordings of interviews of Soviet and American government officials relating to Soviet foreign policy during the presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev.
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