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North America Collections at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Introduction to the Collection

The Canadian collections complement materials from the United States, centering on politics, government, and émigré communities in Canada, particularly after World War II. Of significance are collections relating to the joint American/Canadian First Special Service Force (“Devil’s Brigade”) during World War II, Canadian foreign policy, and holdings concerning Russian émigré affairs in Canada. 

Featured Collections

R. DOUGLAS STUART PAPERS - US ambassador to Canada, 1953–56

DAVID WALTER COLLECTION - Printed matter by libertarian organizations in Canada

MARK WEGIERSKI WRITINGS - Polish-Canadian journalist

PIERRE ELLIOTT TRUDEAU SPEECHES - Prime minister of Canada, 1968–84

E. ONSLOW PRITCHARD MISCELLANY - US volunteer in Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1916–17; sergeant, Twenty-Ninth Battalion, Canadian Army

ALLAN EZRA GOTLIEB SPEECHES - Canadian ambassador to the United States, 1981–89

HENRY FRANKLIN GADSBY PAPERS - Canadian journalist and political satirist

J. ARTHUR DUFF PAPERS - Canadian businessman in China

COMMUNIST PARTY OF CANADA INTERNAL ISSUANCES - Related primarily to factional disputes, 1991–93

SURVEY OF RACE RELATIONS RECORDS- Anthropological investigative project of minority residents on the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada


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