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Economics & economists at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Featured Collections

Hayek (Friedrich A. von) papers

Friedrich A. von Hayek, economist and Nobel Laureate. Collection includes diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, notes, conference papers, conference programs, printed matter, sound recordings, photographs, and digital word processing files relating to laissez-faire economics and associated concepts of liberty, and especially to activities of the Mont Pèlerin Society.

Photo: Friedrich A. von Hayek papers, Box 175, Folder 6, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 

Friedman (Milton) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, statistics, printed matter, sound recordings, videotapes, and photographs relating to economic theory, economic conditions in the United States, and governmental economic policy. Digitized copies of many of the sound and video recordings in this collection, as well as some of Friedman's writings, are available at 

Photo: Milton Friedman papers, Box 113, Folder 5, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 

Mont Pèlerin Society records

Correspondence, conference papers, programs, meeting materials, schedules, minutes, financial and membership records, essays, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs relating to economic policy, laissez-faire, and liberty. Digital copies of select records also available at 

Photo: Mont Pelerin Society records, Box 64, Folder 8, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 

Haberler (Gottfried) papers

Correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, photographs, slides, and memorabilia relating to economic theory, and especially to laissez-faire economics and associated concepts of liberty.

Photo: Gottfried Haberler papers, Box 19, Folder Kafka, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 

Bartley (William Warren) miscellaneous papers

Drafts, galleys, proofs, memoranda, and correspondence related to production of the first volume of the collected works of the Austrian economist Friedrich A. von Hayek, The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism (London, 1988), edited by William W. Bartley; and sound recordings of speeches and lectures by F. A. von Hayek and others related to laissez-faire economics.

Photo: William Warren Bartley miscellaneous papers, Box 86, Folder 9, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 

Wanniski (Jude) papers

Acquired in 2008, the Jude Wanniski papers in the Hoover Institution Library & Archives document the career of a journalist and consultant who, from the early 1970s until his death in 2005, sought to influence both popular opinion and the political establishment in the United States. As an editor of the Wall Street Journal, and then as the head of his own consulting firm, Polyconomics, Inc., Wanniski was a tireless advocate of supply-side economics, a term that he devised after becoming acquainted with the ideas of the economists Arthur Laffer and Robert Mundell. In opposition to Keynesian doctrine, Wanniski and other supply-siders promoted tax reductions and a reduced role for government as means of promoting capital formation and economic growth.

Photo: Jude Wanniski papers, Box 22, Folder 6, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 

Furth (J. Herbert) papers

Speeches and writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to economic theory, and especially to laissez-faire economics and associated concepts of liberty.

(photo box 4, folder 15)

Photo: J. Herbert Furth papers, Box 4, Folder 15, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 

Machlup (Fritz) papers

Correspondence, writings, reports, memoranda, notes, questionnaires, data, financial records, grant proposals, instructional materials, and printed matter, relating to economic theory and to information systems and the creation and transmission of knowledge.

Photo: Fritz Machlup papers, Box 37, Folder 7, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, copyright Stanford University. 

Introduction to the Collections

Major collections in this area include the papers and organizational records of prominent advocates of laissez-faire economic principles, particularly from the United States, Austria, and Great Britain. Other materials relate to domestic and international economic conditions, foreign aid and development, and war reconstruction, as well as a small but important set of documents concerning Soviet agrarian policy.  

Note: This guide is a starting point for research at the Hoover Library & Archives. It is not comprehensive, and you may find other material relevant to the topic. For a guide on how to search our collections yourself, you can click here. 

Materials available online

  Friedman (Milton) papers


Speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, statistics, printed matter, sound recordings, videotapes, and photographs relating to economic theory, economic conditions in the United States, and governmental economic policy. Digitized copies of many of the sound and video recordings in this collection, as well as some of Friedman's writings, are available online. 

  Institute for Humane Studies miscellaneous records


Collection comprised of sound recordings of lectures by various economists and other speakers delivered at the Institute for Humane Studies, relating to laissez-faire economic and political theory; correspondence, memoranda and financial records, relating to production of the festschrift Toward Liberty (1971) in honor of the Austrian-American economist Ludwig von Mises, and to a visit to the United States by the Austrian economist Friedrich A. von Hayek in 1975. Digital copies of select records available online. 

  Mont Pèlerin Society records


Correspondence, conference papers, programs, meeting materials, schedules, minutes, financial and membership records, essays, printed matter, sound recordings, and photographs relating to economic policy, laissez-faire, and liberty. Digital copies of select records also available online. 

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