The Iranian collections include significant holdings on Iranian communism and communist parties, the Pahlavi dynasty, the Islamic revolution and establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, US relations with Iran, the Iran-Iraq war, and Shi'ism and Iranian politics. Included is one of the largest collections of Iranian political opposition materials in the United States.
ALAI (HUSSEIN) WRITINGS - Persian minister to the United States. Materials relate to the financial situation in Persia, the Persian oil industry, and the role of Persia in world affairs. Includes writings by A. C. Millspaugh, administrator general of the finances of Persia.
ALLEN (RICHARD V. ) PAPERS - US National Security Adviser, 1981-82. Contains correspondence, speeches, interviews, legal files, subject files, photographs, audio and video recordings, clippings, and notes relating to Allen's work in American politics and government. As a specialist in security and foreign policy, Allen worked on the Nixon and Reagan campaigns and held posts on the National Security Council under each of them. Topics of note include: Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Richard Nixon, foreign policy, national security, political campaigns, Iran hostage crisis, Republican National Committee, libel and media abuses, Korea, and Taiwan.
ASIAN PICTORIAL COLLECTION - Photographs, drawings, and paintings, depicting miscellaneous scenes and personalities in Asia, including scenes of revolutionary disturbances in Iran, ca. 1908.
BANAM (A.) COLLECTION - Printed copy of treaty between the head of the autonomous government of Azerbaijan and the commander-in-chief of the Tabriz garrison, 12 December 1945.
BARATOV (N. N.) PAPERS - Correspondence, memoranda, diaries, reports, military documents, maps, clippings, and printed matter relating to Russian military activities in Persia and the Caucasus during World War I, and to the Russian Revolution. Digital copies of select records also available at
BARTON (ALEXANDER MONRO) PAPERS - Writings, letters, clippings, and miscellany, relating to conditions in Transcaucasia and Turkey after the end of World War I; and to the death of Major Robert Whitney Imbrie, American vice consul in Tehran, at the hands of a mob in Teheran in 1924. Includes correspondence with and a printed article by Imbrie.
BENOIST-MECHIN (JACQUES)PAPERS - represent a significant addition to the existing holdings in the Hoover Institution Library & Archives relating to the collaborationist Vichy government in France during World War II. Although the papers are only part of the extant Benoit-Méchin materials in various depositories and private collections, the collection in the Hoover Institution Library & Archives contains important documents from all major phases of Benoist-Méchin's multifaceted career as a literary figure, politician, and historian. Contains scenes of Persepolis, Iran, 1960s.
BOONE (TURIN BRADFORD) MEMOIRS - Boone was a member of the staff of the treasurer general of Person from 1911-1912. This material relates to conditions in Persia, and to the return journey of Boone to the United States.
CHILDS (J.RIVES) MEMOIRS - Childs was an American diplomat and ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1946-1050. This material relates to relief work and social conditions in Russia, American foreign relations with Balkan and Near Eastern countries, diplomacy regarding Morocco in World War II, and the role of Iran in world politics, especially in relation to Russia.
CHRISTOPHER (WARREN) PAPERS - The Warren Christopher papers document the career of an American statesman who held government posts under three presidents, most notably serving as secretary of state during the first term of Bill Clinton's administration (1993-1997). The largest part of the collection relates to this period and mainly concerns the public side of Christopher's time as head of the State Department. Christopher’s papers also include materials relating to the Iran hostage crisis, 1979-2004.
DAHA (HUSAYN) WRITINGS - Material relating to political conditions in Iran.
DARLINGTON (CHARLES F.) PAPERS - Memoirs, speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and photographs relating to American-Gabonese relations, the organizing conference of the United Nations, American foreign trade policy, international currency exchange activities of the League of Nations, the oil industry in the Middle East, and Democratic Party politics, especially during the 1956 and 1960 presidential elections.
DERAKHSHESH (MOHAMMAD) WRITINGS - Derakhshesh was the President of the Iran Teachers Association. Collection contains summarized translations of a book, and memoranda, relating to political developments in Iran since the revolution of 1979, and to their effects on Iranian education.
DIAMOND (LARRY JAY ) CLIPPINGS COLLECTION - Larry Diamond is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, where he directs the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. He is the founding co-editor of the Journal of Democracy and serves as senior consultant at the International Forum for Democratic Studies of the National Endowment for Democracy. With Abbas Milani, he coordinates the Hoover Institution Project on Democracy in Iran. His research focuses on comparative trends in the stability of democracy in developing countries and post communist states and on US foreign policy.
DORSETT (GRAHAM C.) PHOTOGRAPH COLLECTION - Depicts India during and after World War II, the Indian Army in East Africa and Italian East Africa, Indian Independence Day, India's Republic Day, and Indian Navy Day, 1954, ceremonies. Includes prints of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Krishna Menon, Sukarno, Tito, the Shah of Iran, and Lord and Lady Mountbatten.
GRADY (HENRY F.) TYPESCRIPT - Relates to American pre-World War II foreign trade and tariff policy, Allied military government in Italy during World War II, and postwar American foreign relations with India, Greece and Iran.
GREAT BRITAIN. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION PROPAGANDA 1938-1949 - Pamphlets, posters, serial issues, press releases, photographs, and postcards, distributed during World War II.
GREAT BRITAIN. FOREIGN OFFICE.WELLINGTON HOUSE PUBLICATIONS - Books, pamphlets, and miscellany, relating to World War I and British participation in it.
GRESHAM (HAROLD DEAN) PAPERS - Correspondence, writings, memoranda, reports, studies, statistics, and printed matter, relating to American foreign trade policy, and to public finance and trade in Paraguay, Iran and Afghanistan.
HANSEN (KENNETH R.) PAPERS - Speeches and writings, correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, and printed matter related to the economic development of developing countries, technology transfer to developing countries, and American trade with and investment in developing countries. Some materials relate to American foreign trade and foreign aid policy during the presidential administrations of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.
HILL (HARRY ROSEWELL) PAPERS - Hill was Captain of the United States Army Transportation Corps and member of the 762nd Railway Shop Battalion, 1942-1946. This collection contains personnel records, orders, letters, manuals, servicemen's newspapers, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, and miscellany relating to American military railway service operations in Iran and elsewhere in the Persian Gulf Command during World War II.
HITSELBERGER (JAMES F. ) COLLECTION - Broadsides, flyers, leaflets, serial issues, and sound recordings, relating to political conditions in Iran under the reign of the Shah, the Iranian political opposition, the revolution of 1979, post-revolutionary conditions in Iran, and political opposition to the new Iranian regime. Includes many issuances of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran and of various Iranian émigré student groups in the United States and elsewhere, and sound recordings of political demonstrations. Also includes flyers, leaflets, serial issues and photographs relating to the post-2003 insurgency and American military occupation in Iraq.
HIZB AL-BA'TH AL-'ARABI AL-ISHTIRAKI IN IRAQ [BA'TH ARAB SOCIALIST PARTY OF IRAQ] RECORDS - Correspondence, reports, membership and personnel files, judicial and investigatory dossiers, administrative files and registers, and videorecordings relating to political conditions in, and governance of, Iraq. Collected by the Iraq Memory Foundation [Mu'assasat al-dhakirah al-'Iraqiyah] from the Ba'th Regional Command headquarters and from secondary sources.
HORNIBROOK (WILLIAM HARRISON) PAPERS - Hornibrook was an American diplomat and minister to Siam, 1915-1917, and to Persia and Afghanistan, 1933-1936. This collection contains photographs, letters, and invitation, relating to miscellaneous aspects of American-Thai relations, and depicting Reza Shah Pahlavi, his son the Crown Prince (later Mohammed Reza Shah), and scenes in Thailand, Iran and Afghanistan.
HUREWITZ (J.C ) PAPERS - The J. C. Hurewitz papers consisted originally of a collection of printed materials, much of it relating to the history of the British mandate of Palestine. This part (Boxes 1-22) includes numerous publications issued by various Zionist parties in the period leading up to the creation of the state of Israel. The increment to the papers greatly expands the volume of the collection, making it a significant addition to the holdings of the archives on the history and politics of the Middle East. The incremental materials reflect Hurewitz's professional involvement with the region over a period of more than fifty years, beginning as a U.S. government analyst and then continuing during a long and distinguished academic career as a professor of political science at Columbia University. The increment consists of speeches and writings; a subject file of clippings, articles, and reports; correspondence and conference materials; photocopies of documents; and printed matter.
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON U.S. INTERVENTIONS IN IRAN - Speeches, statements, and communiqués, relating to American involvement with the government of the Shah of Iran, and to American attitudes and actions regarding the post-Shah regime. Includes documents captured from the United States Embassy in Iran.
IRAN FREEDOM FOUNDATION RECORDS - The collection relates to the Iranian revolution of 1979, subsequent political conditions and civil rights abuses in Iran, the Iran-Iraq War, Iranians in the United States and elsewhere, and American foreign policy toward Iran. It contains correspondence, press releases, appeals, clippings, speeches and writings, financial records, reports, bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets, serial issues, photographs, sound recordings, and videotapes.
IRANIAN EMBASSY COLLECTION - Photographs depicting buildings and art objects in Iran.
IRANIAN POLITICAL OPPOSITION LITERATURE COLLECTION - Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, bulletins, and newsletters issued by Iranian political groups in exile relating to political conditions in Iran.
IRANIAN SUBJECT COLLECTION - Pamphlets, leaflets, other printed matter, video tape, and miscellany, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Iran, and especially to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran.
IRANIAN-AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY ORAL HISTORY PROJECT INTERVIEWS, 1985-1991 - Transcripts of interviews of American diplomats and State Department officials, relating to Iranian-American relations and political and economic conditions in Iran, primarily during the decades of the 1960s and 1970s. Interviews conducted as a project sponsored by the Foundation for Iranian Studies and Columbia University.
ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM COLLECTION - Electronic bulletins, serial issues, pamphlets, other printed matter, sound recordings, and video tapes, relating to political aspects of Islam in the Middle East and elsewhere.
JORDAN (DAVID STARR) PAPERS - Correspondence, writings, pamphlets, leaflets, clippings, and photographs, relating to pacifism and the movement for world peace, disarmament, international relations, American neutrality in World War I, American foreign and domestic policy, civil liberties in the United States, problems of minorities in the United States, Stanford University, and personal and family matters.
KRAT (VLADIMIR VASIL’EVICH) - Correspondence, writings, personal documents, printed matter, and photographs relating to the petroleum industry and to Russian émigré affairs. Includes a subject file on Persia, 1941.
KURDISH SUBJECT COLLECTION - Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, other printed matter, video tape, and miscellany, relating to the condition of Kurds in Turkey, Iraq and Iran, and to the movement for an independent Kurdistan.
LAWYERS COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (U.S.) VIDEO TAPES, 1991-1992 - Training video tapes for lawyers representing applicants for asylum in immigration hearings in the United States. Includes a mock asylum hearing and background lectures regarding applicants from Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Iran.
LAZAR (SAMUEL) MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS - Correspondence, speeches, press releases, serial issues, and photographs relating to Iraqi-American relations, the Iran-Iraq War, and the Israeli bombing of the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq.
LIBRARY OF SOCIAL HISTORY COLLECTION - Serial issues, pamphlets, leaflets, internal bulletins, other internal documents, and electoral and convention material, issued by Trotskyist groups throughout the world, and especially in the United States, Latin America and Western Europe, and including some materials issued by non-Trotskyist left-wing groups; speeches and writings by Fidel Castro and other Cuban leaders, and printed matter relating to Cuba, with indexes thereto; speeches and writings by Nicaraguan Sandinista leaders; and public and internal issuances of the New Jewel Movement of Grenada and its leaders, and printed and other material relating to the movement and its overthrow. Collected by the Library of Social History (New York City), an affiliate of the Socialist Workers Party of the United States. Does not include issuances of the Socialist Workers Party. Includes publication from the Committee for Women’s Democratic Rights in Iran and organization of Iranian People’s Fedaiian.
MASLOBSKII (EVGENII VASIL’EVICH) LETTERS, 1945 - Relates to Russian military activities in northern Persia before World War I, and in the Turkish campaigns of General Nikolay Yudenich during World War I.
MEYER (ARMIN H.) INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT, 1989 - Relates to American foreign policy in the Middle East, and especially to American relations with Lebanon and Iran. Includes an interview segment on Iran conducted by the Columbia University Oral History Research Office.
MILITANT PHOTOGRAPH COLLECTION - Photographs, drawings, and printed reproductions of illustrations depicting activities of anti-war, civil rights, labor, racial justice, women's rights, and other protest movements in the United States and other countries, mainly from the 1960s through the 1990s. Includes many photographs from Cuba and Nicaragua. Also includes photographs depicting activities of the Socialist Workers Party in the United States and of related organizations in the United States and abroad. Collected by the New York newspaper The Militant for use in illustrating its issues.
MOTTER (THOMAS HUBBARD VAIL) COLLECTION - Newsletters issued aboard the United States Army transport ship Siboney, December 29, 1941 to February 1, 1942, relating to ship activities and war news. The ship transported the United States Military North African Mission, Military Mission to Iran, and Military Mission to the USSR, from New York to Eritrea and Iraq.
MOUSSAVI (FAKHREDDIN) PAPERS, 1974-1981 - The papers include the creator's dissertation, along with newspapers, clippings, serial publications, booklets, and other writings relating to education in Iran, the Iranian revolution of 1979, and political, social, and economic conditions in Iran.
PARABEL PROJECT RECORDS, 1949-1950 - Writings, translations, notes, and questionnaire responses relating to a comparative study of underground movements in China, France, Italy, Kurdistan, and Poland, 1939-1947. Project sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace and the Johns Hopkins University Operations Research Office.
PERSIAN NEWSPAPER COLLECTION - The Persian newspaper collection (1949-1999) comprises sixty different titles of publication, in English, Fārsī, and French. All titles within this collection are individually cataloged and have catalog records searchable in SearchWorks and WorldCat.
RAHNEMA (MAJID) WRITINGS, 1965-1991 - Speeches, radio addresses, conference papers, and journal articles, relating to educational and other strategies for development in underdeveloped countries, especially Iran and Mali, and to activities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
RUSSIA. POSOL’SVO (FRANCE) RECORDS - Correspondence, reports, memoranda, and notes, relating to relations between France and the Russian Provisional Government, the Russian Revolution, counter-revolutionary movements, the Paris Peace Conference, and Russian emigres after the revolution. Entire collection also on microfilm (38 reels).
RYAN (JOHN W.) COLLECTION, 1976-1978 - Pamphlets and bibliographies, published by the National Committee for World Literacy Programme and the International Institute for Adult Literacy Methods, relating to literacy in Iran.
SĀZMĀN-I MUJĀHIDĪN-I KHALQ ISSUANCES - Pamphlets, booklets, serial issues, press releases, and video tapes, relating to the incidence of torture and other violations of human rights by the Islamic fundamentalist regime in Iran, and to Iranian political opposition to the regime.
SHARIFY (NASSER) PAPERS, 1902-1993 - Collection documents Sharify’s long career as a librarian, academic, advocate, and consultant. The papers relate in part to the formulation of plans for the creation of a national library for Iran, and to development of library and information science schools, especially in Iran and Morocco, as well as to the development of international library programs at schools in the United States. The collection consists of reports, working papers for reports, correspondence, financial and legal records, minutes, conference papers, printed matter, sound recordings, microfilm, and photographs.
SHAWKAT (HAMID) COLLECTION - This collection is comprised of newsletters, newspapers, journals, pamphlets, booklets, reports, and other writings issued by the Confederation of Iranian Students National Union (CISNU) and other Iranian student groups in Europe and abroad. These materials relate to political conditions and civil liberties in Iran, focusing primarily on the campaign for the rights of political prisoners; political opposition to the Pahlavi monarchy; the spread of Marxist-Leninist thought in Iran and among Iranian students abroad; the aftermath of the coup d'état against Mohammed Mosaddeq.
SHOKAT (PARVI ) COLLECTION - Serial issues, pamphlets, bulletins, newsletters, flyers, and leaflets issued by Iranian student groups abroad and leftist Iranian political groups in exile relating to political conditions and civil liberties in Iran, political opposition to the Pahlavi monarchy, and communist movements in Iran and among Iranians abroad.
SHU'ĀĪYAN (M.) WRITINGS - The writings of Iranian leftist, M. Shu'ā'iyān, consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, poetry, and notes, relate to political conditions in Iran, the Jangal movement, and the career of Iranian premier Mohammed Mossadeq. In addition to these materials are articles written by Shu'ā'iyān's comrades and a letter from Mosaddeq.
SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY RECORDS, 1928-1998 - Correspondence, minutes, resolutions, theses, and internal bulletins relating to Trotskyist and other socialist activities in Latin America, Western Europe, Iran, and elsewhere, and to interactions of the Socialist Workers Party with the Fourth International; and trial transcripts, briefs, other legal documents, and background materials relating to the lawsuit brought by Alan Gelfand against the Socialist Workers Party in 1979.
STATE OF THE IRANIAN REVOLUTION: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE IRANIAN REVOLUTION ON THE EVE OF ITS EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY (CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS), 1997 - Sound recordings, relating to political conditions in Iran since 1979. Conference co-sponsored by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace and St. Mary's College of California.
SURUSH (‘ABD AL-KARIM) LECTURES, 2001 - 'Abd al-Karīm Surūsh was appointed to the Cultural Revolution Council by Ayatollah Khomeini. He resigned from this position in 1983. Until 1996, Dr. Surūsh was a professor of philosophy at Tehran University. His writings and lectures have focused on different aspects of culture and religion, including the role of religion in government, Rumi poetry, and freedom and democracy in Islam. This collection consists of sound recordings of lectures, relating to political and philosophical aspects of Islam.
UNITED STATES NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE RECORDS 1946-1968 - Correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes of meetings, bulletins, circulars, questionnaires, notes, lists, financial records, printed matter, photographs, and sound recordings relating to the international activities of the association, including delegation and scholarship exchanges with other nations, American representation at annual International Student Conferences, relations with analogous student organizations abroad, and the effects of world politics on education.
WEATHERHOLT (CHARLES) COLLECTION, 1945-1976 - Autobiographical and other writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, and photographs, relating to American counterintelligence activities during World War II. Includes material on Robert C. Ebaugh, who impersonated Franklin D. Roosevelt at the Teheran Conference, arrest records of Nazi leaders tried for war crimes, and biographical material on Weatherholt assembled by Clark A. Barrett.
WHEELER (RAYMOND ALBERT) PAPERS - Wheeler was a member of the United States military mission to Iran in 1941. This collection contains correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, diaries, memoranda, maps, motion picture film, sound recordings, and photographs relating to military engineering; the Panama Canal; World War I; American military operations in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II; construction of the Stilwell Road; the surrender of Japanese forces in Singapore, 1945; clearance and widening of the Suez Canal, 1956-1957; development of the Lower Mekong River Basin; and engineering projects involving the World Bank.
WILLIAMS (RHONA) COLLECTION, CA. 1700-1900 - Nineteenth century Japanese vase; eighteenth century Chinese cloisonné vase; and late nineteenth century Persian brass vase.
YARSHATER (EHSAN) PAPERS, 1962-1987 - Correspondence, grant applications, reports, and memoranda, relating to efforts to promote Iranian studies and publications in the United States.
YUNESSI (EBRAHIM) HOLOGRAPH, UNDATED - Persian manuscript which translates to "Someone Who Looks Like Me."
ZAHIDI (ARDASHIR) 1949-2014 - Correspondence, speeches and writings, interview transcripts, financial records, photographs, video and sound recordings, printed matter, and computer disks relating to Ardeshir Zahedi's diplomatic career during the Pahlavi era in Iran. Zahedi served as Ambassador to the United States, Ambassador to the United Kingdom, and as Minister of Foreign Affairs during the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The collection also contains the papers of Ardeshir's father, Fazlollah Zahedi, a general who occupied the post of prime minister. Topics of note include: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iranian foreign relations, Iranian-American relations, the Cold War, the events of August 1953, the 1977 Hanafi Siege, and Iranian dissent.
BEHIND THE VEIL IN PERSIA; ENGLISH DOCUMENTS - 1917, 164 p. fold. map, facsims. 23 cm.
THE IRAQ-IRAN WAR: A BIBLIOGRAPHY - xvi, 124 p. ; 23 cm. Includes Indexes
JANG-I ĪRĀN VA 'IRĀQ - Chāp-i 1. [13], 357, [3] p. : 8 maps ; 22 cm.
SIR JOHN CHARDIN’S TRAVELS IN PERSIA - 1927, Sir John Chardin's Travels in Persia
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